The combination of the decorative arts with literature and creative writing has led to many classical stories and novels themed around a painting or artifact. Others have used tapestry as metaphor to imply a weaving of a tale, and using tapestry to theme a story has strengthened the power that […]
Anna Chromy is an artist who has evolved from painting to sculpture and is the creator of monumental public sculptures, mainly in bronze that have been installed in a number of prominent sites in Europe and China. Although many of her works appear to be hyper real in the delineation […]
Abstract art is popular because it has a purpose in this world both for the artist and the viewer. Many people collect abstract paintings to beautify their surroundings, as an investment, or to update their lives with contemporary culture. They often feel a connection with the colors, the forms, texture, […]
Multimedia studies is an interdisciplinary field of academics nowadays, which focuses on the understanding of technologies and cultural dimensions of linking traditional media sources with the newer versions of the same. Its scopes can be explained better if the term communication is blended with the visual part of it, or […]