Are You A CAREFUL Leader?

In order to serve as a quality, effective leader, one must be willing to undergo a self – improvement program, which includes an attitude adjustment, skills enhancement, real learning, improved judgment, and gaining true wisdom. Obviously, this is not a one – step procedure, but requires a focus on service, effectiveness and quality, combined with an understanding, there can be a danger in jumping to snap, or quick judgments. Your decision – making process must be nearly all – inclusive, and you must be ready, willing and able, to balance the need for timely actions, with being able to fact – find, consider thoroughly, and be decisive, based on facts! In other words, a quality leader is also a CAREFUL one, however, being careful, is a far different thing from procrastination!

1. Cautious; curious; cooperative; clever: Will you be cautious in your deliberations, and avoid the trap of assuming something is a fact, when it might merely be someone’s opinion? Do you possess a curious mind, and always want to get as much information, etc, as possible? Are you cooperative, or do you tend to be adversarial? Would others consider you clever, because of the combination of your wit, wisdom, insight, and judgment?

2. Attitude; attention; articulate: Do you proceed with a can – do, positive attitude, but without the danger of wearing rose – colored glasses? Are you focused enough to pay keen attention, to all relevant information, etc? Will you clearly articulate your finding, views, opinions, and perspective, so your constituents can better understand your reasoning, and you will increase the possibilities of gaining their support?

3. Relevant; reliable; responsible: Will you prioritize focusing on relevant issues, concerns and priorities, rather than getting stuck on the petty stuff? Will you be perceived as being reliable, because, both, you are, and how you go about doing your fact – finding? Are you a responsible leader, and will you own up to your responsibilities, rather than merely blaming and complaining?

4. Empathetic; excellence; exacting: Will your deliberations take into consideration the needs, priorities, concerns and perceptions of those you serve, and will you proceed in an empathetic way? Do you strive for excellence, especially in everything you do? Are you sure of your goals and reasons, and are you exacting in your actions and attitude?

5. Face facts; focused: Will you proceed with your eyes wide – open, and be willing to face up to the facts, in a clear – cut, focused manner?

6. Useful; usable: Are you plans focused on what they should be, and are they truly useful to the group? Is your approach a usable one, which others can, and will duplicate and apply?

7. Listen; learn; leadership: The basics of true leadership are to intently and carefully listen, learn from what you hear, and become a meaningful, effective leader!

While many obtain positions of leadership, far fewer become true leaders! Will you do what is necessary to be an effective, CAREFUL leader?

Brenda T. Weitzman

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New Book Reveals Personal, Life-Changing Benefits of Travel

Thu Aug 18 , 2022
Anyone who loves to travel will not be surprised by Tom Leegstra’s belief that travel transforms us for the better. But few of us have taken the time to analyze that transformation. In The Transformative Power of Travel: How to Discover Yourself by Exploring the World, Tom shares just how […]
New Book Reveals Personal, Life-Changing Benefits of Travel

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