Hemingway is an all time novelist and is famous for having won the Nobel Prize for the novel Old Man and the Sea. In the story he develops a relationship with a little boy. The story is about his adventures in fishing.
The common leitmotif of the old and man and the sea is the sea and man’s relationship with it. The sea is place from which the old earns his livelihood. The boy is a great pal of the old man. Their friendship is a long lasting one. Every day he fishes in the sea. The old man’s nature is marked by mirth and bonhomie.
There is a rich and subtle literary depth in the novel: old man and the sea. One must pay tribute to Hemingway for the choice usage or words. The novel reminds us vividly of pictures of an impressionistic landscape. The novel is very picturesque. The tone of the novel represents a narrative of music. The novel describes various adventures of the old man t sea. I became fascinated with the thoughts of Hemingway. Hemingway’s writing has induced a style known as Hemingwayesque.The Old Man and the sea is an aesthetic artifact. The novel portrays nature in a surreal mode. The old man is tired yet he carries on with his work with dedicated zeal. The young boy’s enthusiasm is infectious.
In the night the old man dreams of the sea and catching a whale. There is an eclectic syncretism of archetypal narcissism. The consciousness of the old man is filled with gusto and vigor. The old man’s only friend is the boy. One problem with the novel is that it lacks a philosophical depth. The novel is neither modern nor postmodern and is an exaggerated version of realism. Every page is filled with the description of the sea. The sea is passion and fishing an art. Reading the novel one encounters the meaning of life to be simple. The novel is motivational and encourages one to live a creative and authentic life. The novel is the result of a creative endeavor. The old man is in search of whales but does not come across whales. The psychological portrayal of characters is very insightful. The novel is profound in intensity. The novel focuses on the trivial things of life. The novel is reminiscent of an ordinary life lived. The sea is akin to a mother Goddess. The sea is a metaphor emotional intensity. Fish are metaphors for the catharsis of the soul. The fisherman instinct in the old man is tuned to the sea. He makes many voyages to the sea and comes with a bounty of a catch. The skiff on which he travels has phallic connotations. There is soulful relationship with the boy and the old man. The sea as nature’s vibrant instrument let looses a volley of tropes.
Every journey made to the sea is one of resounding success. Oh sea! You are a metaphor for life. Oh fish! You are a metaphor for daily bread. The old man is a devout Christian. The novel belongs to no school of thought. The prose is rich and lyrical. The sea represents various stages of life of a man. Hemingway brings out the melody and rhythm of the sea. One can see the pathos in the novel.